East Sooke (BL 4000) (1)
Malahat (BL 3721) (2)
Otter Point (BL 3819) (3)
Port Renfrew (BL 3109) (4)
Rural Resource Lands (BL 3591) (5)
Shirley - Jordan River (BL 4001) (6)
Willis Point (BL 3027) (7)
East Sooke (BL 4000) (9)
Malahat (BL 3721) (10)
Otter Point (BL 3819) (11)
Port Renfrew (BL 3109) (12)
Rural Resource Lands (BL 3591) (13)
Shirley - Jordan River (BL 4001) (14)
Willis Point (BL 3027) (15)
Commercial (18)
Farmland Protection (19)
Medical Marihuana Production Facilities (20)
Riparian (21)
Sensitive Ecosystem (22)
Shoreline Protection (23)
Steep Slopes (24)
Commercial (26)
Foreshore and Marine Shoreline (27)
Sensitive Ecosystems (28)
Steep Slopes (29)
Watercourses, Wetlands and Riparian Areas (30)
Commercial and Industrial Development Areas (32)
Marine Shoreline Areas (33)
Sensitive Ecosystems Areas (34)
Steep Slopes (35)
Watercourses and Wetlands Areas (36)
Riparian Development Permit Area (38)
Sensitive Ecosystem Development Permit Area (39)
Shoreline Protection Development Permit Area (40)
Coastal Habitat and Hazard Protection Development Permit Area (42)
Commercial Tourist Development Permit Area (43)
Protection of Farming (44)
Watercourses, Wetlands and Riparian Development Permit Area (45)
Commercial and Industrial Development Areas (47)
Farmland Protection Development Permit Area (48)
Riparian Development Permit Area (49)
Sensitive Ecosystem Development Permit Area (50)
Shoreline Protection Development Permit Area (51)
Steep Slope Development Permit Area (52)
Foreshore, Wetlands and Riparian Areas (54)
| Foreshore |
| Riparian |
| Wetlands |
Sensitive Ecosystems (55)
Steep Slopes (56)
East Sooke (BL 4000) (58)
Malahat (BL 3721) (59)
Otter Point (BL 3819) (60)
| M |
| RUR |
| SA-1 |
| SA-2 |
| SA-3 |
Port Renfrew (BL 3109) (61)
Rural Resource Lands (BL 3591) (62)
Shirley - Jordan River (BL 4001) (63)
| AL |
| COM |
| CU |
| M |
| P |
| PA |
| RD-1 |
| RE |
| S |
Willis Point (BL 3027) (64)
East Sooke, Otter Point, Shirley - Jordan River (BL 2040) (66)
| A |
| AF |
| AG |
| AG-1 |
| AG-2 |
| AW |
| C-1 |
| C-1A |
| CR-1 |
| CR-3 |
| CR-4OW |
| JR-1 |
| M-2 |
| M-3 |
| M-RU |
| M-SBP |
| P-1 |
| P-2 |
| P-2CB |
| P-2L |
| P-4 |
| R-4 |
| RD-1 |
| RL |
| RM |
| RM-3 |
| RR-1 |
| RR-2 |
| RR-2A |
| RR-3 |
| RR-3K |
| RR-4 |
| RR-5 |
| RR-6 |
| RR-6A |
| RR-A |
| RR-AK |
| RR-OB |
| RR-WI |
| RU-2 |
| WT-1 |
| WT-2 |
| WT-3 |
| WT-4 |
| WT-TC |
Malahat (BL 980) (67)
| A-1 |
| C-1 |
| CT-1 |
| CT-2 |
| GB-2 |
| GB-3 |
| GB-3A |
Port Renfrew (BL 3109) (68)
| ALR |
| CM-1 |
| CR-1 |
| CR-1A |
| CU |
| CU-1 |
| HC |
| IND |
| M |
| TC-1 |
| TC-1A |
| TC-2 |
Rural Resource Land (BL 3602) (69)
| AG |
| CD-2A |
| CD-2B |
| GR |
| P |
| RL |
| RL-MT |
| RRL |
| W |
Willis Point (BL 3027) (70)