Fall Bird Survey < 1:25,000 (1)
| 0 - 14 |
| 15 - 34 |
| 35 - 73 |
| 74 - 145 |
| 146 - 368 |
Summer Bird Survey < 1:25,000 (2)
| 0 - 11 |
| 12 - 37 |
| 38 - 86 |
| 87 - 159 |
| 160 - 328 |
Spring Bird Survey < 1:25,000 (3)
| 0 - 24 |
| 25 - 69 |
| 70 - 133 |
| 134 - 235 |
| 236 - 566 |
Winter Bird Survey < 1:25,000 (4)
| 0 - 18 |
| 19 - 50 |
| 51 - 90 |
| 91 - 162 |
| 163 - 346 |
Migratory Bird Sanctuary < 1:25,000 (5)
Red Sea Urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) < 1:15,000 (7)
Bryozoan Complex (bryozoans, sponges, ascidians) < 1:15,000 (8)
Burrowing Sea Cucumbers (Cucumaria miniata) < 1:15,000 (9)
Native Oysters (Ostrea lurida) < 1:15,000 (10)
Painted Anemones (Tealia sp.) < 1:15,000 (11)
Piddock Clams < 1:15,000 (12)
Plumose Anemones (Metridium sp.) < 1:15,000 (13)
Bacterial Mats (Beggiotoa sp.) <1:15,000 (15)
Foliose Red Algae (Gigartina, Iridaea) <1:15,000 (16)
Filamentous Red Algae (Gastroctonium, Prionitis sp.) <1:15,000 (17)
Japanese Wireweed (Sargassum) <1:15,000 (18)
Widgeon Grass (Ruppia maritima) <1:15,000 (19)
Agarum Kelp (Agarum sp.) <1:15,000 (20)
Bull Kelp (Nereocystis sp.) <1:15,000 (21)
Stalked Kelps (Pterygophora californica) <1:15,000 (22)
Bladed Kelps <1:15,000 (23)
| Moderate - Dense |
| Sparse - Low |
Foliose Green Algae <1:15,000 (24)
| Moderate - Dense |
| Sparse - Low |
Eelgrass (Zostera spp.) <1:15,000 (25)
| Moderate - Dense |
| Sparse - Low |
Total Vegetation Cover <1:15,000 (26)
| Moderate - Dense |
| Sparse - Low |
Shore Unit Boundaries <1:15,000 (28)
Shore Type <1:15,000 (29)
| Altered |
| Bedrock |
| Estuary |
| Sand |
Upper Intertidal Primary Bioband Distribution <1:15,000 (31)
| Low 0 - 12 |
| Moderate 20 - 42 |
| Dense 48 - 100 |
Upper Intertidal Primary Bioband <1:15,000 (32)
| Black Lichen |
| Grasses |
| Pickleweed |
Mid Intertidal Primary Bioband Distribution <1:15,000 (34)
| Low 0 - 12 |
| Moderate 20 - 42 |
| Dense 48 - 100 |
Mid Intertidal Primary Bioband <1:15,000 (35)
| Barnacle |
| Diatom |
| Pickleweed |
| Rockweed |
| Sea Lettuce |
Lower Intertidal Primary Bioband Distribution <1:15,000 (37)
| Low 0 - 12 |
| Moderate 20 - 42 |
| Dense 48 - 100 |
Lower Intertidal Primary Bioband <1:15,000 (38)
| Diatom |
| Sea Lettuce |
| Eelgrass |
| Japanese Wireweed |
| Blue Mussel |
Intertidal Flat Type <1:15,000 (39)
| beach |
| beach and mudflat |
| bedrock |
| gravel/sand flat |
| mud/sand flat |
| mudflat |
Intertidal Flats <1:15,000 (40)
Boulder < 1:15,000 (42)
| Boulder |
Cobble < 1:15,000 (43)
Man-made Debris < 1:15,000 (44)
| Bottles, Cans, Tires, Other Garbage |
| Wire, Rope, Pipe, Metal Objects |
| Wood Debris, Logs |
Dense Vegetation Substrate Obscured < 1:15,000 (45)
| Dense Vegetation Substrate Obscured |
Organic Cover < 1:15,000 (46)
| Wood |
| Vegetation |
Rock Cover < 1:15,000 (47)
| Rock |
Rock with Sediment Veneer < 1:15,000 (48)
| Rock with Sediment Vener |
Shell Cover < 1:15,000 (49)
| Shell Cover |
Gravel Cover < 1:15,000 (50)
| Gravel |
Wood Debris Substrate Obscured < 1:15,000 (51)
| Wood Debris Substrate Obscured |
Sediment Size Class < 1:15,000 (52)
| gravel |
| gravelly mud/san |
| gravelly sand |
| mud |
| mud/sand |
| sand |
Bathymetry (Harbours) < 1:10,000 (54)
Gorge Docks < 1:15,000 (55)
Tracklines < 1:15,000 (56)
Wharves < 1:15,000 (57)
Marine Influence < 1:15,000 (58)
Harbour Sub-Areas < 1:25,000 (59)
| Esquimalt - Constance Cove |
| Esquimalt - Plumper Bay |
| Esquimalt - Upper Harbour |
| Esquimalt Harbour |
| Esquimalt Lagoon |
| Victoria - Portage Inlet |
| Victoria - Upper Gorge Waterway |
| Victoria - Lower Gorge Waterway |
| Victoria - Selkirk Waters |
| Victoria Upper Harbour |
| Victoria Inner Harbour |
| Victoria Outer Harbour |
Backshore Observed Land Use < 1:25,000 (61)
| Commercial-Other (non marine-dependent) |
| Institutional-School |
| Military-Other |
| Military-Structure, building |
| Military-Vacant open space |
| Military-Wharf, dock |
| Park and open space-Active park |
| Park and open space-Nature park |
| Park and open space-Other vacant land or open space |
| Park and open space-Paved or board walk |
| Residential-Apartment |
| Residential-Townhouse |
| Residential-Detached small lot |
| Utility-Parking lot or structure |
| Utility-Road, highway, bridge |
Backshore Physical Features < 1:25,000 (62)
| Boardwalk or wooden deck |
| Fill |
| Parking or storage lot |
| Rock |
| Soil, sand or gravels |
| Structures, hard edge |
Backshore Planned Land Use < 1:25,000 (63)
| Apartment |
| Commercial |
| Commercial residential |
| Detached housing |
| Environmentally constrained |
| Indian Reserve |
| Industrial |
| Institutional |
| Park |
| Special status |
| Townhouse |
Backshore Vegetation < 1:25,000 (64)
| Bare Ground |
| Coniferous Forest |
| Deciduous Forest |
| Grass |
| Invasives |
| Landscaped |
| Marsh |
| Shrub |
Backshore Wildlife Habitat Features < 1:25,000 (65)
| Artificial enhancement |
| Bridge abutment or structure |
| Driftwood pile |
| Haulout area |
| Nest tree |
| Rock ledge |
| Undercut shelter or den |
Estuary EcoUnits < 1:5,000 (67)
| Beach face |
| Beach ridge |
| Channel |
| Cliff |
| Dune |
| Marsh |
| Meadow |
| Outcrop |
| Shrub |
| Tidal flat |
| Tidal marsh |
| Tidal meadow |
| Tidal outcrop |
| Tidal swamp |
| Tree |
| Unknown |
Underwater Video < 1:25,000 (68)
Intertidal Zone < 1:15,000 (70)
| Very high |
| High |
| Moderate |
| Low |
| Very low |
Shore Unit < 1:25,000 (71)
Harbours Watershed <1:75,000 (72)
| Esquimalt Harbour |
| Esquimalt Lagoon |
| Portage Inlet and Gorge Waterway |
| Victoria Harbour |